SPIN: 45min
Calorie: 714
This class was intense, but I love a quick class with lots of intervals and sprints. Throw in some unique activities (like squats while riding - woah!) and I am SET! This class was ALL about hill climbs long boring HILL CLIMBS.
I also think this BLOG may be an EPIC FAIL. Does anyone even read this? I google search the title and NOTHING came up... it was a little disheartening. I was hoping someone would read this... oh well. Now it is a diary of my work-outs.
I also decided I want to open my own business... and since no one is reading this I can devulge the inner workings.
My hometown has NO facilities... well, they have several gyms, but they are lacking.

You could have a monthly pass or pay for individual sessions... I think the start of cost would be HUGE, but than its just maintaining... I think it could be good, but I should probably be certified in SOMETHING before I get this off the ground... and it is probably already being planned...
Hmmm... I think I will do a little research. See what I can put together.
Sounds AWESOME Mel!! And I'm reading!!! :)