Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The leader of the pack... (Vroom Vroom)

Spinning: 50minutes
Abs Class: 10minutes
Calories: 974

I feel like I am starting ALL over. I feel excited about the gym… I don't know how or why it happen, but I am glad it did. Today I went to Kerrie's Spin class and I… wait for itLEAD THE CLASS. I know, crazy right?? Now the honest truth, everyone followed me, but Kerrie yelled out commands. We were short a bike, so I sat at the front and demonstrated my prefect posture… ha! It was a great class and VERY motivating, because I couldn't slack or slow down… I have 15 sets of eyes on me! I followed that up with an ABS class… I didn't really have time, but I went anyway. I am GLAD I did. Whewf! My muscles are throbbing, but it feels good.

I have opted out of weighing myself everyday. From this day forward I weigh in on Fridays and Fridays only. I was getting a bit obsessed.

Also Richard's best friend is home… so I don't have to worry about pressure to snack at home. I doubt I will see much of him now that Ian is home. They are the definition of BROmance. I am ok with that… I love spending ALL my time with Richard, but I feel bad lately… with him not working he waits all day for me to come home and play and I am afraid I am disappointing, because by the time I roll into the driveway I have been awake for over 16hours and I am TIRED! Last night he so desperately wanted to go from a ride/blade (him on the bike, me on my rollerblades), but I had just spent over 2hours fighting traffic to get home and I still hadn't showered (forgot my stuff at home). I just wanted to get clean and relax. We ended up compromising… I showered and than came outside and he did tricks for me (it’s a BMW bike, not a mountain bike). It was fun.

He wants to invest in Mountain bikes to work-out together… it’s a GREAT idea, but I want to know we'll actually DO IT, before we commit to $600+ for bikes. We tend to get excited about things and than give up. This would be great for both of us… PLUS I am more likely to get in-shape and stay that way if he does it with me. Right now working out means time apart.

Ok… I started to ramble there.

Oh yea… FOOD! Richard laughs every time I refer to myself as a 'FOODIE', but its true.. In fact, he also thinks of him self as a foodie… perhaps even a FAST-FOODIE. So I thought I would share my system… whether it works or not, it works for me. To quote a random person… "Eat Breakfast like a KING, Eat lunch like a PRINCE and eat dinner like a BEGGAR". Seems logical to me… no point in starving ALL day and than going to bed full. So I take a yummy protein shake with me in the morning (not really a KINGs meal, but I am in the car at 5:30am). I pack 3 snacks under 100 calories… today was a cup of fresh sliced Strawberries (Mmm), a green apple chopped up and rolled in cinnamon (takes the edge off and gives me a hit of cinnamon… my favorite spice) and 6 Rosemary and Basil Triscuits (YUM!). It covers my sweet and salty cravings through out the day. For lunch it varies, but is typically last nights left overs (under 500 cal) because for dinner I have a simple bowl of cereal… sometimes a banana on the side, but not usually. Puts my daily calories around 1200 AND in case I splurge I still stay under my 1500 budget. Sometimes I will sneak in a chocolate milk after a work out… or a golden Oreo (my fav).

On a FOODIE note… yesterday (and today) there has been FRESH pizza delivered EVERY hour… its for a promotion and SMELLS fantastic! I didn't cheat. I stuck to my packed lunch. AND in the afternoon our voice-over guy brought in the sweetest butter tarts EVER. I know from the smell… I didn't cheat. I don't even enjoy butter tarts, but I was craving sweet. I ended up packing it up and bringing it home to Dad.. They are HIS favorite and he is quitting smoking so a little treat is deserved.

Bottom-line… I feel good and I am excited this week. I might even break a milestone this week (fingers crossed).


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