Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday... where does time go?!

I can't believe how long its been.

This is my life lately...

I am exhausted. Celebrating is tiring work. That paired with regular gym session and being conscious of my diet... I am sleeping most of the time.

I am sorry my slight effort...

Things have been going well. I am in a routine I can work with and have been making it to the gym at least 4 times a week. I have also dropped to PRE cruise weight and I am pretty excited about it. I don't think my GOAL is in reach, but I am going to get pretty damn close!!

Things are about to let up at work and then I will be back in FULL force.

Pounds to loose: 14(-6) - Body Fat: -.5% - Inches Lost: -3.5 - Push Ups: 0

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