Monday, March 28, 2011



Things are going well... I should have made amens since the angry post of DAY FIVE, but its been incredibly busy here.

I am happy to report my mood leveled out by Friday and the weekend was good. I always struggle on the weekends, because I don't have a schedule. During the week I know when I am expecting to eat and what. I know how much water I will drink and when... on the weekends its a free for all.

Saturday I was VERY good... we spent the day out of the house exploring our new neighbourhood and window shopping for the house... including a trip to Ikea, the wedding venue and KindFood.

I packed snacks and drooled over Richards cheese burger, but didn't waver from my detox... that is HUGE for me.

Now to back track to KindFood... my new favorite bakery. I had googled 'Vegan' recipes, because I figured that was the best way to explain my detox and find recipes beyond plain chicken and steamed veggies... I stumbled across their website, which I have linked to before because of their great articles on health and wellness, they offer cooking classes and have a little grocery store... all inside the bakery. I wanted something sweet as a treat for sticking to my detox, but I wanted to stick to my detox. I decided a cupcake from KindFood was it... after the hour drive I was ready for my sugar indulgent (even though they don't use refined sugar in anything).

I was delighted to find a FULL cafe with smiling staff (I am always intimidated to go into 'health' places, because I don't look the part) after a tutorial on how it works and what they have I decided on a Banana Algae cupcake... it was AWESOME. Moist and perfect, with no weird vegetable aftertaste. I am completely impressed and wondering if they'll make my wedding cake :)

Sunday was a different day... mainly because I didn't eat. I know... I know... but it wasn't intentional. I got into scrap booking and lost track of time. I finally came too around 6:30pm... not a healthy way to detox, but I swear it was not on purpose. At 6:30 I had some scrambled eggs with a diced apple and went to bed... I am paying for it today, with an upset digestive system, but I will recover.

Week Two of detox has officially began and its going well... so far.


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