Monday, September 12, 2011

I have Twitter... but I don't know how it works.

This should take you to me... ME... on twitter.

You can enjoy my ramblings... much like this blog they will rarely be serious, but always emotional. Should be stuff like wedding non-sense AND fitness stuff. It's a vivid parade inside my head and I want to share... then maybe I won't hoard all the crazy.

As for fitness... nothing. I have nothing to tell you. I ate, drank and watch people get married on the weekend. It was amazing and I am so glad we (Richard and I) got to participate. To be honest... it scared the beejebus out of me... I too, have a wedding in the future and I won't be nearly as calm as the beautiful Cassy was (and frankly always is).

I did make it down to the gym this afternoon to try and work off the 7 pounds I gained over the weekend... yes SEVEN! I hit up the Elliptical and with a good book lasted almost and hour. It's amazing what good writing can do... I mean authors/writers should be held in the highest regard, made millionaires and worshipped... but I might be a little bias.

Ok... rambling complete.

I need to do something to quick start this weight loss effort, but the M&M peanuts speak louder than my conscious and my will power... blasted little chocolate covered balls of yummy. These almonds (my current snack) pale in comparison and are honestly as disappointing as... [insert sexual reference].

Ok... focus... fitness. Yes, that's what I mean to discuss... fitness is good. I *heart* fitness.

Over and out!


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