Monday, October 15, 2012

This Weekend...

... I didn't COMPLETELY fail.

I did fail a little bit, but I don't think it is my fault and here's why; There are NO regular temperature yoga classes on weekends after 12p. The the EFF is that about? Come on Yogi... WTF?!

Although I do feel guilt about aggression towards the masters of Yoga.

I just assumed I would be able to catch a class Saturday or Sunday in the late afternoon. You see, on weekends we try to continue with Richards schedule (night shift) and stay up entirely to late for this girl, which means A LOT of sleeping in. So I wasn't awake before 12p.

I was tempted by Hot Yoga, but can't bring myself to take the risk (elevated core body temperature can (apparently) mess with the quality of your eggs) at this point in my cycle.

I did continue on with the rest of my schedule. I ran on Saturday for 35minutes and completed a '50' workout.

Which means my week was ALMOST a success...

I missed the Monday workouts and the weekend yoga, but otherwise it was a pretty successful week. I did manage to gain 4 pounds, but who knows what that is from or how long it will last... or if it's even correct, my scale is a little wonky.

That's it. That's all I've got for a Monday morning...


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