Thursday, August 25, 2016

Virtual Fitness?

Yesterday I headed to Grimsby to test out this 'Virtual Fitness', Goodlife is promoting.

First I walked in on the Yoga class, than the meatheads took the exercise room and I legit cried, then at 9:10pm under total exhaustion (I elliptical'd until I could make a new plan) I tried vitual fitness.

I wanted to step, that was the whole point. I love stepping, but can't ever make it to a class (who can at 5pm). They don't offer step in Virtual Fitness (of course). A lot of Zumba and Sh'bam, but I am not shaking my big butt around for everyone to see; so I settled on BODYPump.

It was only offered in 28 minute classes -- 19 minutes later I was done, wondering if anyone knew how to count. On the upside, having a class alone (without an instructor to judge) is great because you can move frantically and freely without recourse, the equipment is ready available and you're on your own time. The downside is no one to challenge (even if its just in my head) and no one to watch (we all do it, we watch the poor uncoordinated lady give it everything she's got, its ok to say this, because most of the time I am her).

I'll probably do it again, but waking up on the scale this morning, this week doesn't seem worth all the effort.


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