Calories: A LOT (Loseit! says 738)

Let's walk you through this painful experience...
I arrived at the Gellert Community Centre in Georgetown - its a HUB of all things active from baseball to soccer, runners to swimming, splash PAD to dog walkers. It is a busy place and I was lost in the crowd. After a few minutes fearing I would never find BOOT CAMP I saw a group of ladies hovering around the back of an OPENED Jeep. I made my way across the asphalt to see a very perky blonde with with a tape measure... it was Carrie. I sauntered on over to the crowd as the ladies were getting weighed and measured. Everyone was chatting and celebrating loss... I thought, 'on the first day?' It turns out BOOT CAMP is a ritual thing these ladies attend... every week for months. The crowd was diverse from larger to smaller women, young to old. And EVERYONE was smiling and happy to be there. WHY?! I thought... this perky little blonde is about to punish us!
Carrie picked the 'NEW GIRL' out of the crowd and welcomed me... she handed me a STACK of papers to fill out and instructed me to the grassy hill to lay-out my things (a yoga mat, bottle of water and two 7 lbs weights). 25 others had already done so. I found a spot and laid everything out... as soon as I finished I saw the crowd take off on a run around the facilities... I followed the crowd.
This is our warm-up a light jog through the park... simple enough. Then you hear the WHISTLE... the perky little BLONDE switches to DRILL SERGEANT and its time to do weights. We start with simple bicep curls. I think 'I can do this.' We finish the curls and are ordered to FOLLOW her to the side of the road. We are then instructed to line up single file with our weights. For this drill...
20 squats (with bicep curls) and a 400metre run to the sign and back.
20 lunges (with bicep curls) and a 400 metre run to the sign and back.
20 squats (with lateral lifts) and a 400 metre run to the sign and back...
then you think you're done... NO. We continue with the squats as we wait for all the others to finish the above drill. No prize for finishing first.
Then we RUN back to our grassy nole and hit the ground for PUSH-UPS. I hate PUSH UPS. We do dozens of them with all different hand formations.
Then we're on the move again... this time with JUST our water. We run to the other end of the park, doing the final stretch in walking lunges. This turns into a sprint to the fence and back (about 400metres). Then its over to the SPLASH PAD for push ups... on the edging rocks (about 3 feet high). When your arms are burning and the sweat is pouring off of you, you switch to step-ups.
The entire time Carrie is pacing the crowd barking orders and offering encouragement.
After your legs are on FIRE you do kicks.... quickly kicking the rock in front of you. Doesn't sound like much, but do it for 10minutes and it is. We then turn our backs to the rock and prepare for tricep dips... I think that is what they are called.
All of the ladies joke about running into the SPLASH PAD... I only wish they had.
We stay on the rocks this time to do lunges with one leg on the rock and one on the ground. Switch legs and back to push-ups. When all this is done and you are begging for a break... we are on the move again. This time running to the another end of the park (its a BIG park) we stop at, what looks like, a SMALL hill. We line up single file and are instructed to....
20 ski jumps (jumping while switching feet from front to back) and then LUNGE up the hill and run back down.
20 burpies and then LUNGE up the hill and run back down (twice this time)
Then we are broken up into teams... the first team (my team) is doing pivoting lunges UP the hill and running down the hill. We have to do this until the other team has sprinted to the SPLASH PAD and back. I was begging for them to hurrying!
Once they returned we switched and I was doing the run... now at this point I am EXHAUSTED, but 'You get out, what you PUT in' so I ran... I don't know how, but I was the first back.
Once we returned to our abandoned water bottles it was a JOG back to the starting point on the FAR end of the PARK. When we got back there is was time for GROUND work. We did push-ups, sit-ups, plank, leg lifts and stretches... and then is was over. An hour... done. I was DROWNING in sweat and had the BIGGEST smile on my face.
Day one - COMPLETE.
I can't lift my LEFT arm today, but that's OK... I am doing this to get fit. I can't wait till Thursday!
Spinning today, because my legs AREN'T sore... surprisingly - just wait till Wednesday.
Georgetown Fitness Bootcamp in case you are interested ;)
PS - I have a question... do probiotics die when you stir your yogurt???
Pounds to loose: 18(-6) - Body Fat Percentage Decline: 0.2% - Inches Lost: 2
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