Spinning: 45minutes
ABS: 10minutes
Calories: 860
Whewf! I seem to be saying that a lot this week... I am just SO glad things are happening and I am always pumped to go, but I get there and I am TIRED. My poor old body.

Good news for me... I was feeling PUSHY today and still managed to get a great work-out in. I then ventured into Angela's ABS class... I love her. She is British and everything sounds nicer, even when you're in PAIN!
That's it... I am hungry and its time to EAT!
Tomorrow is OFFICIAL weigh in and measure... wish me luck.
And in case you're wondering... YES I did take the stairs AGAIN this morning.
Pounds to loose: 22 - Body Fat Percentage Decline: 0.1% - Inches Lost: 0
stopping in from Lose it!! Great Blog!!