I feel like a NEW person... weird and VERY cliche, but I don't know where it came from. I am oddly motivated and finally realized 'you get out, what you put in'. Meaning if I half ass a work out and don't really commit the results aren't going to AMAZE me. And if I am going to spend an hour at the gym, why not make every second of it matter.
Today, for instance, I did muscle up. I typically work with 5 and 8 pound weights, plus a 12 pound body bar. I always pick the easy route, choosing to use the 5 over the 8. Today I thought why the hell am I spending time here slacking? No one is forcing to be here. I chose to be here... so today I took ONLY 8s and a 15 pound body bar. Everything burned and my arms shook, but I kept up. I was sweating more than I would like to admit too, but it felt good.
My point is... If you're going to run, RUN. If you're going to spin, SPIN. And if your going to work-out, WORK OUT! I hate those fakers... the pretty little girls with perfect make-up. You know the ones, they never break a sweat and leave 10minutes early. They drive me crazy, because they are the first to complain and not seeing results. I don't know why only NOW am I thinking about these things. Maybe because I am BACK on track... I am at my lowest weight in years and I can't wait to push through and get to my goal. I am recharged and excited to hit the gym (or pavement).
I am hoping to go for a run tonight... but it is almost 41 degrees and humid as all hell. I won't risk my health, but I won't risk my progress either.
I also need to say I am NOT hungry today... I packed a bigger lunch, mainly for variety, but I can't get through it. I want too... its all great food, but I am NOT hungry which is odd for me.
My extra snacks... Cashews (my fav) and deviled eggs. Yum! Recommended by my BOOT CAMP instructor, Carrie as a great source of protein, which I can NEVER get enough of and low in calories.
I didn't really have a recipe, but I knew what they were suppose to look like and Carrie mentioned something about mustard.
Deviled Eggs a la MOI!

Calories: 160
Ok... It's home time and I am trying to eat my fresh cut fruit before I call it day.
Pounds to loose: 17(-7) - Body Fat Percentage Decline: 0.2% - Inches Lost: 3
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