Tuesday, June 22, 2021


 I. Am. Hungry. This. Is. BS.

So go back and read the previous post. So I can't decide what I want to do - I can't wrap my head around one of the concepts -- gastric by-pass cuts your stomach to a smaller size so you physically can't eat more foods. I googled what the expectation was for daily calories after the surgery has healed (2-3 months) and its staggeringly low, like 1000-1300 per day. No wonder these people are losing weight. I don't get it. I don't get that pre-surgery eating 1000-1300 per day is an eating disorder, but post surgery its expected. AND why can't I just eat like that, without surgery? 

So... I did a thing, I made a plan to eat a full variety of whole foods, but not exceed 1300 kcal a day. I made a plan for a week, I busted out my scale and measuring cups - I meal prepped and divided my macros. I am on day two (while still maintaining my strength training and step goals) and I am hangry. I am counting the seconds until my next meal. 

Day ONE was 3 meals and 2 snacks, supplements, 3500ml of water and a tea. I had 106grams of protein and 9 servings for fruits/veggies. I took 7500 steps and did a 35minute weight routine. 

And I was mean as a snake to all those around me. 

I have a similar plan for today, but more veggies, a walk with my boys and a HIIT workout this afternoon (weather permitting). 

I don't feel any less bloated or happy about it, but it's only day TWO.

This is my research - so far I don't love it. I also don't get why people didn't just cut calories. I guess with a smaller stomach you have no choice and maybe that is it for some people. 

Hungrily yours, 


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