Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Old lady part 2

It's becoming more and more true.

So I am still off of heavy cardio, I made it to the gym today for a new class promising sculpting and low impact #perfect

I get there and... It's all mature ladies. They were wonderful and friendly, but I missed the age restriction by 45 years.

I thought about skipping class and doing my own thing, but the music started and the door was so far away.

Can I say.... I wish I had the energy of these 'old ladies'? They killed it, most of them using heavier weights than me. The high knees, the lunges, the punches. 

I almost started a slow clap with the other whippersnappers in the class (there were 3 of us under 35). 

Because I am all about goals. Goal number 2; keep up with the mall walkers.


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