Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Outdoor workouts have resumed!

 I got the call to book my outdoor workout with Orange Theory Fitness - my fans (smirk) will know I have tried this before (read it here OTF) pretty unsuccessfully.

I am happy to report 3.5 years later - I like it. I joined a different (read:brand new) location and the staff and equipment sparkle. The pandemic has made it tricky to be consistent, they were open for a week and then shut down for 3 months. I joined a second gym (the ROD) to do at home and fell in love with it. Now that OTF is able to open for outdoor workouts, I am doing both. I can't decide which I prefer. I love Rod and the community he has created, but I thrive in the class setting with real people, loud music and proper equipment. 

Last night was my first workout back with OTF, but I confused something because my heart rate monitor didn't report back - I don't know if I was in the orange, the red or any other colour combination. 

Check me out at the end fighting a plank!

Luckily I did track on my watch and I think it was a good workout. I felt good about it, there were 6 of us (which sometimes I judge the audience, how hard is the workout if all the participants are older, rounder white ladies. I don't want to judge, but I am not aspiring to be an older, rounder white lady.) I say it was a good workout for 2 reasons; my inner hips quit working when I hit the row (last station, I hate rowing), and my comparison to everyone else. I did the workout, I didn't stop, drop or slow -- this is a risky judgement, because was it an easy workout that I killed, was it a hard workout that I killed? I don't know. I do know I hate rowing and I hate plank (both of which I spent 10 minutes doing). 

It did feel good to be back on the step - I freaking love step class and if I could find a one off step class I would be in heaven!

So it's a thumbs up, I will continue with both. I signed up for once a week with OTF, the bulk of my training will be at home with R.O.D.

Stay classy my friends, 


Ps. I fight with the scale every morning - my entire day is based on what that little robot tells me. I can't figure it out, but I am at a scary high number that I need to resolve. I need to buckle in and take care of myself. I am hoping this momentum continues, because it is a scary number. I have 21 months until I am 40 and at 40 I don't want to still be trying to get it together. I want to lost 100lbs in the next 21 months. It is reasonable, doable and realistic if I make a plan and stick with it. I need to actively lose 4lbs a month, 1lb a week - easy, peasy.

This is my scared face.

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