Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The inevitable swing

Some days you have it all together, you feel grounded and secure. Happy and ready to be the best version of yourself. 

And somedays, you eat a sleeve of Oreo's and bark at your kids all day. 

It's balance. 

On low days - I just try to remember how I felt on the positive days. I try to connect the days, the feelings. 

Good day

  • Got up with my alarm
  • Washed my face 
  • Weighed myself (down 3lbs)
  • Made breakfast for the kiddos
  • Drank ACV with honey and cinnamon
  • Had a shake with avocado, spinach, zucchini and banana
  • Took my handful of supplements
  • Logged in to work
  • Kept busy
  • Set an alarm for hourly squats, stretches

Bad day

  • Hit snooze 17 times (it was a good dream)
  • Weighed myself (up 4lbs)
  • Made breakfast for the kiddos
  • Drank ACV with honey and cinnamon
  • Ate breakfast, GF bagel, cucumbers and strawberries
  • Logged in to work
  • Had to find ways to keep busy
  • Ate a sleeve of Oreos
  • Barked at the kids
  • Hate myself
  • Turn off my squat alarm

I don't know how to turn it around -- I don't know how to feel empowered again. This is why I quit. I quit yesterday around 4pm, when the boys were wrestling for the 19th time - on my bed, aggressively, I lost it. I yelled, I hit the desk and I stormed out of my house. I decided I would not work out, I would not walk or eat dinner. I was out of my window, my brain was popping; a term coined to explain when we are overwhelmed and  angry. 

I sat outside for a minute. I decided I could still turn it around, I decided I need to work-out and even though I was late I had a great class. I couldn't go for a walk because of an impending storm and my parental duties, so I paced the backyard until I hit a km and called it a small win. 

I went to bed feeling good -- I woke up feeling bad, anxious, angry, annoyed. 


Today is bad day -- so far, maybe I will turn it around. 

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