Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day Four!

Blogging is keeping me on track, but I still don't like this.

Day Three RECAP: I had a busy day, which is always ideal. I had to force myself to stop for afternoon snack (1/2 celery and 1 tsp. nut butter). I did make it down to the gym BUT I missed Muscle Up... instead I did intervals on the elliptical and joined the abs class (which was great and I am sore). I got home, without headache, but craved bread in a way that was so intense I considered chewing off my arm. It didn't help that Richard was making pizza for dinner... that smelled incredible! I never knew frozen pizza could be so amazing (I am drooling even now). I was having potatoes and eggs. Now, for honesty... I did cheat. I had a bite of pizza. It was amazing... and in an effort not to take it any further. I went for a walk (in the rain) and came home with freezies. The perfect cheat.

As for today... I am out of salad, so I am having a re-heated dinner of Chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli for lunch. I have no idea what I am going to have for dinner, but I need a protein, 4 oils and 3 veggies.

I am excited about step class today and hopefully I make it down in time. I am working with a trainee right now and its tough to sneak away.

I weighed in and I am down 4.5 pounds since starting this thing... I am hoping for another 5 ounces by tomorrow. I think it is feasible.

Wish me luck.


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