Friday, September 24, 2010


Boot Camp (with a pilates instructor): 45minutes

Calories: 530

I went to the Boot Camp excited to see Bambi. I call her Bambi because the instructor (Bambi) has Big doe eyes and looks SO innocent… until class starts and she BEATS you! I always left her class in pain and happily burning. I haven't been to her 'Boot Camp' in months. In the summer we get half day Friday's and her camp was cancelled.
I was all geared up to BOOT CAMP with Bambi (who's real name is Christine), but she is sick today. Instead we had Laura the pilates instructor. She made me sweat! It was a great class and my arms are sore. I love it.
She worked our abs in a stand position… basically we did the twist.
I actually got it… and enjoyed it.
Hooray for the WEEKEND!


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